Hi 👋, I'm Joseph Murphy,

Originally trained as a civil engineer, I now explore computer science, systems engineering and other intersecting disciplines.

I'm passionate about creating smart, connected, and tracable services to improve infrastructure that engineering provides for society. I'm also driven by visualising data in meaningful ways to enable insight and decision making.

This website summarises my studies and experiences. My career so far can be seen here.



MBSE and BIM framework image

A Requirements Validation Framework for Major Infrastructure Projects

This paper provides the initial framework to analyse the impact of requirements validation for an infrastructure asset with real world data, using ifc, asset register and GIS files to demonstrate compliance. It uses systems engineering principles for the application of requirements decomposition, breakdown, and modelling of various MBSE models to show how a function and capability can be validated using semantic web techniques to exchange data. The framework is demonstrated through a high-level case study for the compliance of a fire safety system of a railway station, based on system and construction data models.
Topic areas: MBSE, BIM, infrastructure, linked data, ontologies.
Graph theory for BIM databases
2022-03 - Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER)

Complexity identification in major infrastructure project information systems using graph theory

This paper explored the use of graph theory deployment on existing databases to act as a precursor to working on systems problems in construction. It takes electronic document management systems (EDSMs) and completes complexity analysis to show valuable data points.
Topic areas: MBSE, BIM, Major Infrastructure Projects, Graph Theory, Network theory, Systems Engineering.

Blog/Thoughts 🏗️

#linked-data #Construction #Systems

Linked data in construction

Who's data is it anyway?

Joe (it's-a-me)

30 November 2022

Where my research has taken me 🌎